Closing off this month’s cover on our Morena Muse as we delved into different layers of Gabbi Garcia’s life, we felt like it was only fitting to end her story with her love for music, how she produced her own single, All I Need, and what’s next for the 19-year-old to accomplish. “I think one step at a time. I never stop hustling,” she ends our interview, before her makeup artist, Jason Delos Reyes, made the finishing touches to her last look for our shoot. Despite her seemingly soft-spoken nature, it’s evident that Gabbi is hungry and incredibly dedicated to her craft—never stopping to achieve all her dreams, all while keeping herself grounded.

When did your love for music all start?
Ever since I was a kid. Actually, my sister and I bond a lot through music. And my sister is a big influence when it comes to my music. She just graduated Bachelor of Music in Music Education with a Major in Percussion in St. Scho. She’s a big part of it. When I was a kid, I used to sing all the time in different school events. As I grew up, my perspective widened, and so did my love for music. I’m even taking up Music Business Management right now as my course! It fascinates me—how you can express yourself through your music. I mean, you can just view a person’s playlist and know who she is through her music.
How has it been taking up Music Business Management, and how do you balance your time?
It’s honestly hard. It’s hard, I’m not going to lie. It’s hard going to school and working at the same time. But then, I don’t really want to skip school. I’ve been so dedicated with my studies ever since I was in kindergarten. I never took it for granted, me being in school, so I see to it that even if I’m in showbiz, I still go to school. If a person asks me, do you still go to school? I can say yes, I do. I don’t want to give them a no answer, because I skipped. For a year, when I did Encantadia, I wasn’t in school, so I was really sad. Anyway, Business Management is my course. It’s a modern course because you take up music production and music theories, but they also teach you how to market yourself as an artist, as an independent artist. They also teach you about your contracts. It’s a little bit of everything, and I can apply it also in my career!
When are you expected to graduate?
Oh my gosh. I’m actually in my 2nd year now, but my load is light. I feel like I’m going to be done in 6 years maybe. Tagal pa. But at least, there’s progress.

We also heard that you’ve begun investing in real estate. Who guides you in making these decisions and what tips can you give young investors?
Of course, my parents, they always guide me! Taray naman nung young investor! Kylie Jenner?! Daming pera! (laughs) Just kidding. I’m really goal-oriented, and I have a strong personality. So I see to it that all the earnings go somewhere. I want my future to be secured. I view things long-term. I trust my parents. Whenever I earn, I give everything to my parents. They also trust me enough to give me like, two cards or whatsoever, so that it’s up to me. But then, I just tell them that I really want a lot here or there, and then I do my research, and then after my research is done, I give everything to them, and then they’re the ones who talk to the brokers or whatsoever. It’s nice that nowadays, there are a lot of creative people and intelligent teenagers who are really game to invest. I think it’s a big edge for you if you start investing really young!
We heard as well that you dream of traveling to 100 countries in your life. What’s next on your bucket list?
I really want to go to Italy. Good food, good culture, and good shopping. (laughs)
In terms of achieving the rest of your dreams, what’s next?
I think one step at a time. I never stop hustling. I can’t accept the fact that I’m just going to sit there and wait for whatever work they’re going to give me. I see to it that I work hard every day, but I keep a balanced life. I produced my own single, because that time I didn’t have a teleserye. During that downtime, I told myself, “I’m going to produce something.” I never stop. I never stop hustling.

Before the month ends, be sure to check out The Morena Movement, a Calyxta special that showcases 13 morena muses, their favorite lipstick color and holy grails, and what makes them love their own skin! Don’t forget to also enjoy an additional 5% off ALL Maybelline products when you use the code CALYXTAXGABBI until August 31, 2018.
Editorial Assistant: MAAN FERNANDEZ
Videographer: RYAN TIZON
Photographer: CHARISMA LICO