Wrapping up perhaps one of my favorite months and campaigns to happen on Calyxta, where we celebrate and continue to celebrate cruelty-free beauty by showering our pets with love (Love Your Pet Campaign) and remembering how important it is to love every buddy, our February 2018 #CalyxtaGirl, Carla Abellana voices out her dreams and wishes for the country when it comes to animal welfare.
Read through the last part of our interview where Carla shares what she hopes to happen to the current animal welfare situation in the Philippines, how one can start helping out, and what she has to say to brands that still do animal testing.

What’s your dream for the current situation in our country when it comes to animal welfare?
Number one would have to be awareness—that’s our priority. The more people are aware about animal welfare and the animal welfare act, the more there would be less cases of animal cruelty. So number one is awareness and education. I hope and pray that more and more Filipinos would be more aware. Number two, I hope the Philippines would be a more responsible country when it comes to animals. Whether it’s the basic unit of a family at home, or even the government in general. When it comes to how they respond and even how they give time and resources to animal welfare, that’s number two. Number three, I hope we’ll have animal police! (laughs) Because we can actually report cases of animal cruelty. In the States, we can call 911, but unfortunately not a lot of police or barangay officials are even aware that it’s part of their job that they can act upon an animal cruelty case. So people end up calling PAWS. But of course, PAWS isn’t an animal police! So that’s my dream—to have a unit that’s independent and that’s focused on animals. To have our own animal police because you know, in other countries, they have it. Unfortunately, it’s not one of our government’s priorities. But that’s my dream. In fact, part of the amended animal welfare act, is to have a deputy assigned to the Bureau of Animal Industry, who is independent of the government. I even told PAWS that I wanted to volunteer and be deputy! Because it gives you the chance to actually catch someone on the spot. You’re really like a police. So I really hope that one day, we’ll have an animal police.
In the meantime, how can one start or help out? Or in what ways can they help?
Just be responsible pet owners. That’s it! And then, if you have the time and resources, please support the independent animal welfare groups and shelters. You don’t even have to donate money. It can be time. You can volunteer in taking care of the animals at the shelter. Of course, if you do have the resources, please donate whether in cash or in kind because they always run out resources. And then, just speak out! I guess if you see a case of neglect or maltreatment, speak out! Tell your neighbor, tell the person, “Hey, that’s now allowed! You can be jailed for that.” Speak out about it. If they can also adopt as well. Do not spend tens of thousands of pesos on a dog with a breed. There are hundreds of aspins and puspins waiting to be adopted, and I hope they give them a chance. And then, if they can, try to research about the products that they use and whether or not these products are tested on animals. In a way, it might change their mindset when it comes to purchasing these products. That’s it!

What’s your message to those who don’t have the same sympathy towards animals?
It’s fine if you do not have the heart for animals because not everybody does. But at the very least, be compassionate. You don’t have to be an animal lover to respect animals. Just have the compassion, right? Because these are living creatures. They don’t bother you. They don’t do you any harm. So at least have the compassion not to hurt them.

Okay, last question. What are your thoughts on brands that are not cruelty-free and still test on animals? What would you like to tell them in behalf of animals who can’t speak for themselves?
Number one, animal testing is not proven to be 100% accurate. So just because it passed an animal test, that it would pass for humans. It has been proven that it’s not accurate. It can’t always be trusted. And there are so many other ways of testing products without having to use animals. Science is already so advanced.

There are so many other options available, so if there are so many brands that are good for people and safe for people and yet they don’t test on animals who make a lot of money, it’s not an excuse! I mean, there are so many homegrown brands, local brands, or even international brands who don’t test on animals and yet they profit so much. If they can do it, why can’t you? I hope they also make a switch. Meanwhile, to the countries that require animal testing, I will never go to their country. (laughs) So I hope that animal testing becomes illegal in all countries. But it’s all wishful thinking.
Editorial Assistant: MAAN FERNANDEZ
Photographer: HEIDI SAROL
Special thanks to: Bark Central Eastwood Mall and Bow House