Talking about makeup, skincare and all things beauty with an exceptional women’s football player like Amanda Fernandez may seem odd. With all her accomplishments in the athletic field and business, people might have this pre-conceived notion that she’s only interested in sports – or fitness, health and wellness – and would dismiss girly topics like lipsticks, contouring, and brow kits. But, just like when she told us that she’s all Filipina without any hint of foreign blood, our gorgeous Calyxta Girl continues to surprise us.
“I also want to look good every time,” quips Amanda whose angelic features get more pronounced when she smiles. She admits that although she follows an ultra-active lifestyle – being a multi-hyphenated success story at just 29 – she makes sure that her looks are always on point and her brows are on fleek. “I never miss on doing my brows even before I hit the gym,” she declares. Come to think of it, Amanda’s attention to detail should come as no surprise. Not only an athlete, a businesswoman, and host, she’s also a commercial model. She’s appeared as a travel junkie in Globe’s adventure-filled #Scenezoned campaign, as a cute preschool teacher in Lactazin’s TV spots, and as a flirty beauty in San Miguel Light’s ubiquitous ads. The lady clearly knows a lot about dolling herself up and this week, Amanda shares with us her beauty secrets!
From putting on makeup for the gym, Amanda also knows how to shift to a more glam look. Amanda recommends, “For me, it’s pretty simple. It’s all about doing your eyebrows right and putting on a good HD foundation. Choose a naturally pink blush and lip color. Personally, I go with pink shades of lipstick. I don’t like the bright ones. I like the pink hues that could be my lips but better. Sometimes, I also prefer using the bullet ones in a peach shade especially if that would go well with my skin tone.”
Aside from having an understanding of how makeup enhances one’s looks especially when she’s at work at SPARTA, the sports lifestyle compound in Mandaluyong that houses the country’s only indoor football field and other fitness systems, Amanda also knows the importance of sticking to a beauty regimen that will keep her skin looking fresh. She starts her day by cleansing her face with her favorite foam wash. Sometimes, she also pats on non-comedogenic powder. She puts her hair up in a no-nonsense ponytail so it won’t get in the way as she attends to office work and then as she practices her football moves. When Amanda heads outdoors, she never leaves her unit without applying sunscreen on her face and swiping her lips with an SPF-heavy lip balm. Before hitting the pillow at night, she never skips washing her face with her favorite cleanser and toner. Amanda also puts on an acne-repair or treatment cream before smoothing on an ample amount of her trusted moisturizer.
She may be a skincare devotee but Amanda wishes she can be better at one more thing: “I need to play it up with my hairstyles. I don’t usually get it styled unless I go to the salon. But I know I should.”
So the next time you see Amanda (and we don’t mean when you see her on the numerous San Mig Light billboards along EDSA) and she’s wearing a totally different hairstyle, we bet it would be somewhat wavy. Well, that’s what we gathered from our FAST TALK with this former GAMEPLAN host. Watch her reveal more fun facts that will make you fall even more in love with this strong-willed, smart and definitely inspiring sporty stunner. We at Calyxta are definitely her biggest fans!
Photography: DIX PEREZ
Videography: TWO FOLD MEDIA
Meet The Crew: Dix Perez
DIX PEREZ is a Manila-based commercial photographer. His real name is Richard, but he is known to the fashion and beauty industry for his nickname Dix, and for his signature black and white style in taking snaps. With his steady hands and eye for beauty, he has gained admiration from countless celebrities and personalities he photographed for countless ads, magazines and events. When he’s not at work, Dix can be found in San Juan, La Union, sitting at a beach and eating his favorite Olas Bandito’s burrito, or in front of his laptop, watching Riverdale on Netflix.
Skin: Brown
Hair: Brown
Can’t live without: Bottle of water
Favorite Calyxta find: Great videos and pictures of interesting people being beautiful inside and out
Find him at:
Facebook: @penthousestudioph
Instagram: @dix_perez
Calyxta work appears in:
Amanda Fernandez cover story – April 2017
Bubbles Paraiso cover story – February 2017
Vanessa Matsunaga cover story – January 2017
Jess Connelly cover story – December 2016
Shaira Luna cover story – October 2016
Isabel Roces cover story – July 2016
Stephanie Kienle cover story – May 2016
Kiana Valenciano cover story – April 2016
Jessica and Sky Yang cover story – February 2016
Sanya Smith cover story – August 2015
Teresa and Vicky Herrera – June 2015