These are the three items you must bring on your honeymoon.
I’ve often wondered, if I were to get stuck on an island, which three beauty items would I want—or need to have with me? I think the same goes for travel or going on a romantic getaway. Which three things would I absolutely need to have with me 24/7 in order to look and feel good?
I think that it goes without saying that the top product would be SPF. Skin cancer is such a reality these days that the most important thing to consider would be protection from the harsh rays of the sun. This would guarantee safety as well as comfort in knowing that I won’t be seeing premature wrinkled or unsightly sunspots anytime soon.
Pond’s Age Miracle BB Cream SPF 30, P499
“We love that this lightweight BB cream hides flaws and protects your skin at the same time.“
Another item that I think should always be with you is a dry shampoo. Hair is so major that it really does make a difference when it looks good. You may not have time to wash your hair as often as you’d like to while traveling so this keeps it fresh, and provides volume sans a blow dry. Another plus? If your hair is colored, it’s better to use a dry shampoo over a conventional shampoo where you have to wet your hair and all, because it keeps your hair color from fading and turning brassy.
Toni & Guy Sky High Volume Dry Shampoo, P990
“We love the fragrance and volumizing wonders of this easy-to-use hair rescue product.”

Lastly, a lip and cheek tint product should do the trick, makeup wise. A little color always helps, and a monotone look is enough to make one look fresh. Go for tried and tested multi-functional makeup products that blend easily, and don’t steak or crease. Also, remember—you can use the same color on your lids!
Pink Sugar Sugartint Lip & Cheek Tint, P349
“These blend in effortlessly, and the pigment payoff is amazing!“
Text by: Agoo Bengzon