Asking for money is always tricky in any sitch. For some couples who are about to get married though, let’s be honest, having cash is definitely a great way to kickstart this chapter of their lives. For one, having a wedding and feeding a gazillion guests, paying for a venue, decorations, a wedding band, etc. costs a small fortune. And after that grand event, just getting a new life started with a new flat, furniture, and appliances is costly. And what if a baby happens soon after? The expenses just keep coming. Also, there are couples who’ve already got the house and everything in it covered, and just need some funding for a lovely honeymoon. Whatever the couple’s circumstances may be, asking for cash gifts for your wedding is not easy, but worry not—it can be done, with a bit of finesse. Here are some ways to ask for cash gifts on your wedding without being tacky:
“No Boxed Gifts”

Putting this phrase on your wedding invite is a well-accepted way of asking for cash in some countries. It literally means the guests cannot give presents in a box. Granted, some guests do get a bit confused with the phrasing and end up putting gifts in a paper bag (true story!), but most will understand with a bit of Googling.
Witty Poetry
Injecting a bit of wit and humor in your ask can break the ice and make asking for money sound cute. And if you put a smile on your guests’ face, chances are they will be very generous. Below is a sample of funny wordplay you can put on your invite:
“So what do you get for the bride and groom
Whose house needs things In every room?
When shopping for a present please don’t be rash
As there is always the option to just give cash!”
The Collective Gift
Sometimes it’s all about how you “package” your request. Instead of saying, “Please give us cash!” (Okay, that is way too forward!), you can be totally honest and tell your guests what you need the money for. For example, to go on your dream honeymoon, or a deposit for a new car, or even a charity that you and your partner cherish. Make it appear that all you need is one gift that is truly important to you as a couple, and that every little amount they chip in will help you achieve that goal. They will be more than willing to help you out.
Get on a Cash Registry Site
Instead of a traditional gift registry which lists linens and candelabra, sign up to a cash registry site like Zola, HoneyFund, or Tendr. Basically, it gives guests options to “fund” things you need—like an apartment or a Eurotrip. Put the link to the Cash Registry website of your choice on the invite and you won’t have to ask for cash yourself. Let the website do that for you.

Word of Mouth
Spread the word delicately among your closest friends, siblings, parents, etc. They can hint to your common friends and relatives that you would prefer cash instead of traditional gift registry gifts. Also, a lot of wedding guests may consult those dearest to you about what gift to get for you and your partner before the wedding, so ensure they know what to answer. That way, you won’t be dyahe to tell all your wedding guests, especially those you aren’t as close to.
Text by: Yasha Barretto