The bouquet is one of the most important aspects of a bride’s look simply because it is so visible. Unlike shoes or underwear-(which is very important, too!)-a bride has to choose her bouquet for aesthetic reasons. It has to fit the color motif. It has to reflect the bride’s personality. It has to complement the bride’s dress. It even has to match the venue!
Yes, a bridal bouquet isn’t just a bunch of flowers! Here are the most popular bridal bouquets with tips on how each will suit what kind of bride.

A round bouquet is the most popular choice for brides. It’s a traditional bouquet type, composed mainly of blooms and hardly any greenery to keep its round and compact shape. It’s designed as a tight cluster of flowers, usually with just one type of flower or many flowers but showcasing one color. This bouquet type is popular because it works for any type of dress or wedding. This bouquet can also be easily tailored to fit your budget.

A nosegay bouquet is much like the round one as it is also a compact cluster of flowers with its stems wrapped tightly in ribbon. It differs because the nosegay has more greenery, so it isn’t strictly a round shape. It’s a more relaxed bouquet, perfect for brides who love nature or will be holding her wedding in a garden.

The Biedermeier bouquet is a type of round bouquet but the flowers are arranged in concentric circles of contrasting colored flowers (or other materials like acorns, pine cones, or berries) to give a dramatic striped effect. This look is perfect for the bride who loves design and can look amazing with a simple but modern gown.

A posy bouquet may look like a nosegay, but it’s much smaller so it can be held easily in one hand. Also known as the hand-tied bouquet, it is one of the most charming styles of bridal bouquets because it is casual, making it ideal for weddings on a beach, a farm, or in a garden, and just what the Boho Bride will carry in her carefree hands.

Also called the “pageant wedding” bouquet and the “arm sheath” bouquet, this type of arrangement has to be cradled by the bride. It features long-stemmed flowers and foliage and looks just like what a beauty queen will carry when she wins her crown. Because of this, the presentation bouquet works best for the glamorous bride.

Carried by the most famous bride of all time, Lady Diana Spencer, the cascade bouquet is best for the most formal of weddings. Also called “shower bouquets,” the flowers literally cascade from the bride’s hands and end by the hem of her gown, which will usually be big to match the fantastic flowers. If you want a cascade bouquet but have a humbler wedding, there are smaller versions called teardrop bouquets.

Because it looks like a ball, a pomander bouquet is often called as the “kissing ball.” The blooms are suspended from a loop of ribbon. While thistype of bouquet is often used by bridesmaids and flower girls, it’s now becoming more popular with brides who want their hands free for #selfies.

The composite flower bouquet may look simple but it is an expensive arrangement. It’s made with hundreds of single petals strung together to look like one giant and perfect flower. This makes it perfect for the exacting bride who has a luxurious touch.