By: Cat Juan Ledesma
With every eye in the room looking at you, there’s certainly a lot of pressure on your wedding day to look more amazing than you ever have before. To make sure your skin lives up to expectations by preparing it way in advance, follow our timeline suggestions here:
1. Book a dermatologist appointment as soon as you have that engagement ring on.
Yup, it would be good to give your dermatologist as much time as possible to help you even out your skin tone, soften fine lines, and minimize pores. Some treatments your dermatologist may recommend are radio frequency, laser resurfacing, or acid peels.
2. Hire a personal trainer.
Your face isn’t the only part of your body covered in skin. To get your body into toned and tip-top shape, we recommend finding a personal trainer who can keep you on track and make sure your abs, hips and arms are ready to be the talk of the town. Who knows, you may want to invite him/her your wedding.
3. See a nutritionist.
If you think your diet has always been on a naughty side, now would be a good time to sit with a nutritionist to help you eat right to achieve glowing skin from within. There are also a number of packed meal programs available to make it easier to stay nourished.
4. Find a skincare regimen that works for you and stick to it.
Many people are too eager to try the next big thing in beauty to realize that what’s already there might be the best for them. It’s also important not to try something new too close to the date in case you wind up having an allergic reaction. Some skincare brands worth looking into are: Bliss Skin Care, Avene, DHC, Det Clear, Dr. Haushka, and Dr. Jart.
5. Invest in a spa treatment or two.
You won’t believe how amazing your skin will feel after a professional mud mask or body scrub. Try out a few treatments a few months before and choose the ones you really saw results with when you go closer to the date.
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