No matter your kind heart or good intentions, the truth is, you will be judged by how you look, and the way you dress and carry yourself. It’s simply how the world works, isn’t it?
Try stepping out in pambahay (like a P.E. shirt from elementary!) versus corporate attire in a public place! With regard to the event and location, if you dress inappropriately, you’ll most likely end up at the receiving end of side-eyes and raised eyebrows.
I know this all too well, having previously worked in an industry where image is everything. Well, to me, it is everything—at first. You’d eventually have to substantiate that image with personality and color!
I myself didn’t care about my skin at first, until my teenage pimples caught up with me! It made me super self-conscious. I honestly think having good skin is essential to every human being—whether you’re a man or a woman, working in the beauty industry or not.
In fact, nurses, I’ve learned, have to look as pleasant as ever, as it is one way to show how well they can take care of their own health and well-being, so much more their patients’! Makes sense, right?
SKIN by John Robert Powers is a manifestation of the belief that wholistic beauty is what everyone needs to better present themselves to the world, and confidently do what they have to do. From day and night creams, to toners and lippies with SPF, it offers a product lineup of basic skincare for you to start your journey to skin-deep beauty!
On the other hand, you’re totally missing the point if all you care about is how you look like! More than looking and feeling your best, what John Robert Powers wants is for you to be able to harness your strengths and maximize your potential through personality development, image-building courses, and more.
Personally, I am one who advocates office etiquette and social graces, not for the heck of it, but because in my experience commuting (along with other public encounters!), I’ve realized the importance of being considerate. To be considerate of others, to me, is a trait that at once gets my respect.
Have your values and good foundation intact, and you’ll be ready to face the world. From dining etiquette, corporate workshops, to immersive English programs, you won’t fall behind with these classes at John Robert Powers.

By: Patti Sunio a.k.a. Tita Pacita
Tita Pacita of www.titapacita.com is a lifestyle, culture, and fashion & beauty writer from Manila. With her wisdom and almost thirty years of life experience, she likes to share what she knows and give unsolicited advice, true to her Tita ways. Her makeup choices are primarily based on instinct, and, believe it or not, K-Beauty.
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