By: Angela Lim
You don’t need to wait for the New Year to commit to skin care resolutions that your body will thank you for. Adding these little steps into your routine will have you beaming in more ways than one. Wake up with great skin by following through with these easy skin care resolutions:
- Keep hydrated
Staying hydrated is extremely important, especially health and beauty wise. Getting enough water in your system ensures that your body is up and running, that toxins are flushed out and are kept at bay, and that your skin is looking and feeling better, smoother, and brighter.
- Get enough sleep
No, sleep isn’t for the lazy. Good amount of sleep is as essential as feeding yourself daily. One of the most common causes of break outs apart from stress and bad eating habits is sleep deprivation, so do yourself a favor and make sure you clock in a healthy seven hours of sleep. You’ll not only feel amazing, but the dark circles and blemishes on your face will disappear before your very eyes.
- Eat the right food at the right time
We’re not saying you forego all the amazing food this life has to offer, because let’s face it, it’s the bad ones that keep us coming back for seconds! Proper nutrition and dies is all about moderation, proper portions, eating at the right time (breakfast at 7, lunch at 12, dinner at 7), limiting the oil and grease intake, cutting down on sodium and sugar, making sure you don’t skip meals, and squeezing in fruits and vegetables into your meal plans. They’re called glow food for a reason.
- Cleanse, Wash, Tone, Moisturize
Every Calyxta Girl should know the eat-sleep-breathe proper skin care-routine. After a long day, cleansing your face and following up with a great facial wash, toner and moisturizer are the sure-fire way to get incredible skin in no time. Never sleep with make up on, or do a half-assed job of removing it before going to bed.
- No pricking!
Step away from the pimple popping videos, and keep your hands off your face. Pricking and picking at those blemishes can guarantee you bigger and angrier. Not only are you bruising your skin, but you’re also spreading harmful bacteria. Be patient and stick to keeping to your skin care resolutions and the added power of Tea Tree Oil. Leave the gross pimple popping to the experts.