I sought the advice of the very much in-demand dermatologist Aivee Teo and this is what she has to say about the matter:
“Crow’s feet are unsightly wrinkles around the eye area which are manifestations of facial expressions and a thinning support structure (lack of collagen, elastin, etc.) of the skin.” Like aging, we can’t prevent crow’s feet by simply not making any facial expressions. You and I both know that’s just simply not possible. Here are some of the ways to delay the process, or shall I say make you age “more gracefully”:
1. Using Retinol at least twice a week increases the production of collagen. With religious application you will start to see results in as little as 6 to 12 months.
2. Regular use of Alpha hydroxy acids remove the top layers of dead skin. They also thicken the deeper layers, promoting firmness. These are a group of natural acids found in food such as: lactic acid (milk), citric acid (citrus fruits), glycolic acid (sugar cane), malic acid (apples), and tartaric acid (grapes).
3. Daily use of moisturizers rich in peptides. Look for products packed with amino acids which is basically food for collagen. These peptides alleviate the problem by making the skin appear smoother over time.
4. Clinical research has shown that wrinkly skin around the eye area is a result of the depletion of ceramides or the fatty layer that acts as a “glue” which holds skin together. Pick an eye cream that’s packed with ceramides or fatty acids that lock-in moisture for all-day hydration.
5. “However, there are instances where the muscles responsible for expression are too strong that creams are deemed insufficient. This is where Botox (botulinum toxin) comes in. It’s a purified form of toxin which helps weaken the muscle responsible for these muscular movements that causes crow’s feet. Botox, especially if done by a licensed practitioner is an invaluable tool in improving the signs of aging.” Says Doctor Aivee. www.Aivee.ph
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