Even though it’s more common in one’s teens, when hormones are on fire and your skin is pumping oil like it’s competing with the Middle East, acne can remain a part of your life much longer than your first love. Here are some tips on how you can finally say goodbye to this wretched beast.
Look at your products
Many times, we don’t realize that the simplest products we use daily are actually the cause of our woes. For example, if you get acne on your chin, look into your toothpaste. Many brands with high fluoride are actually the culprit. You might find your skin clearing up by just switching to a fluoride-free option like Tom’s of Maine found in many health food stores.
Change your lifestyle
Are you often on the phone? Are your pillowcases changed every week? Do you like leaning your hands on your face? We often just need to make a conscious change to the way we live to prevent bacteria from getting on our face in the first place. Remember: only clean items should touch your face. I like having Zenutrients’ Spahhnitizer in my bag at all times to spray whenever I need to clean my hands and any items before they go near my precious cheeks.
Commit to a regimen
Many times we use acne fighting products till we notice that our skin has cleared and then switch to something more glamorous. Bad move. Acne-prone skin needs a special acne-prone regimen and it needs you to stick with it. I highly recommend giving Papulex a try: a French derma-cosmetic range that is soap and fragrance free and okay for any skin type.
Visit a dermatologist
If your adult acne is cystic (deep in the skin) and causing your skin to scar, I suggest finding a board certified dermatologist to help. And believe me, they really can. A dermatologist will most probably prescribe antibiotics to combat the bacteria, a cycle of Accutane: a strong vitamin A derivative that needs close supervision but really helps dry up oil, or a contraceptive to help balance out your hormones. You can inquire with the Philippine Dermatological Society for a board certified derma near you. http://www.pds.org.ph
How have you been able to combat your adult acne? I’d love to hear all about it in the forums section of Calyxta.
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