In a society where girls and boys all around the world scramble to preach truth and honesty in their so-called bare-faced, “I woke up like this!” Instagram captions, it’s easy to get discouraged by the facades of perfection we see every time we open our phones. For the lucky few who have never seen skin as something to worry about, then congratulations—you most likely fall far away from the sensitive skin spectrum. But for those of us who constantly live with instant flushes, random rashes and bumps, dry patches, insistent itching, and of course, spontaneous acne breakouts, don’t worry! Your search for help is coming to an end. We here at Calyxta believe that you don’t have to go to extreme financial lengths to combat the woes of sensitive skin. In fact, we’ve rounded up affordable products by the Dove DermaSeries to address each of your related concerns
Dry Skin
A common pair of dehydrated skin is persistent itching—something so uncomfortable as this has got to be treated as soon as possible. Forget a back scratcher, the Dove DermaSeries provides an instant cooling relief that does all the work of a wooden hand with all the magic of a wizard’s wand! It smoothes and softens flaking skin after just one use.
Peeling Skin
Just because it’s often covered up with clothes, doesn’t mean your body doesn’t need some extra moisturized loving to keep it looking fresh and well made-up morning to finish. Colloidal oatmeal and rich moisturizers are infused into the Dove DermaSeries Soothing Body Lotion to give that extra refreshed effect.
Rough Hands
You’ll never have to worry about the state of your hands after this, because after just an hour or two, the Dove DermaSeries Replenishing Hand Cream Dry Skin Relief’s AminoSilk Complex will quickly create a blanket of smoothness to the hands of the lucky buyers who indulge in it.
Although using 2-in-1 products is usually frowned upon, I can assure you that this facial and body cleanser will be the first to prove that given the right features, 2-in-1s can slowly become a staple #1 in my GRWM process. Soap free, hypoallergenic, and gentle—what more could you want?
Thought the solution to your sensitive skin woes was to shell out your whole bank account for products that only slightly make an improvement? Think again!

Frances Beltran is a fashion and lifestyle blogger at alphabelles.com, who specializes in styling unconventional and affordable outfits. If she’s not meddling with her glue gun for some crafty DIY, then she’s probably trying to create the perfect flatlay for her Instagram.