By: Xeng Zulueta
It’s hard to convince someone who doesn’t wear makeup to put anything with color on their face. Lipstick alone is enough to intimidate the average girl; what more blue anything on the eye? Thing is, aside from all these blue eye trends we keep seeing this spring/summer, what they don’t tell Asians is that any blue accent on the eye is actually flattering for our brown or dark brown irises! So not only does wearing blue on the lids keep your make up up to date, it also really brings out the color your eyes (if your eye color is naturally brown that is).
If you find this intimidating, fret not as blue eye make up has become as universal as blue denim. You just have to find the right type and fit!
1. Blue Mascara. Possibly the easiest and most subtle way to wear blue eye makeup. Don’t be shy—the bluer the better. My favourite is a cobalt or neon blue mascara, layered on at least three to four waterproof coats to make eyes pop. The key factor here is the word waterproof or else you’ll look like a blue raccoon if it smudges.
2. Blue eyeliner. A great replacement for black, dubbed as black’s counterpart for hot months like spring and summer. Why? It’s not as severe and it’s cooler to the eyes. Experiment with different hues of blue from deep royal (if you’re a fan of black) to turquoise if you’re a beach girl.
3. Blue eyeshadow. Bring your makeup game up to speed and make sure you’ve got the current shade on. A deep royal blue as a wash—take note: a wash and not a smokey eye—will do. Stay away from the frosted ones unless you’re headed to an 80s party.
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