By: Xeng Zulueta
You have no idea how much bacteria is trapped in makeup brushes. Dirty brushes also affect the way makeup is applied onto the face and how it gets absorbed, not to mention how bacteria from dirty brushes also get transferred to your cosmetics.
For personal makeup brushes, I advise clients to clean theirs twice a month and for makeup artists…well, it’s cleaning your brushes as you go, between every single person and client that sits in your makeup chair. Here are the following ways to clean your brushes:
1. With a liquid or solid brush shampoo: Pour some into a shallow bowl and add some water, or swirl dirty brush into the mixture or onto the solid soap. Rinse brush under tap water, squeeze and hang to dry
2. With spray on makeup brush cleaner. Then wipe the brush onto a clean paper towel. Repeat until brush is clean and then leave to dry.
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