College students being stressed is definitely not news anymore! With the amount of work load we have, we barely have time to spend time with our families, peers, or basically just anyone outside the university. Let alone to spend time for ourselves! With everything we do, hustle is part of our daily lives. But we shouldn’t appear as if we’re always going to battle every single day (even though technically we are). Here are five products to help you look like you’re just having the time of your life in college!

Although we’re clearly used to stress already and have accepted that it’s a curse we have to live with in our whole stay in the university, it has daunting effects on us, especially on the way we look. Some research even show that stress can give you dry and flaky skin! We can live with stress, yes, but we don’t need to live with dull skin! Moisturizers are super lifesavers when it comes to keeping your skin looking healthy and fresh.
We suggest using St. Ives Facial Moisturizer, P250!
We all need brows to complete our look, but since we’re always on the go, we need brows that will stay on all day. Milani Stay Put Brow Color, P500 from the name itself will give you brows that will be with you from the moment you put it on, to your most demanding subjects, lunch dates with friends, up to the end of your entire day!

College students plus enough sleep rarely come together in one sentence. Dark under eyes and deep eye bags love being with us, and the need to cover them up is real. Thankfully, Colourpop No Filter Concealer, P450, does that needed job seamlessly. It doesn’t crease either, so you can use it as a lightweight foundation so it’s not too heavy on the face!

Didn’t we say the goal was to look like you’re having the time of your life? Maybelline Master Creator Stick, P499 will help give you that blushing, glowing look to make you look youthful and fresh always!

Looks are never complete without a good lip color! Just like your brows, they should also be super long-wearing, and Maybelline SuperStay Matte Ink Liquid Lipstick, P299, does that exactly!
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