By Amanda Padilla
Our hands have it rough. They are the work horses of our bodies that are put to use all day long and are also the tell-tale sign of aging! Constant typing, texting, washing and chores have left our hands seeing better days and they often don’t get the pampering and care they deserve, leaving our cuticles dry and nails split. Here are some tips on how revive tired looking hands:
• Be sure to wash your hands with warm water—never hot, because that can be extremely drying. Use a dime-sized amount of moisturizing liquid soap with each use.
• Water and soap, especially when used multiple times a day, can cause over-drying of the hands. Use a hand cream that uses natural oils after each wash. Want to go natural? Using coconut oil or olive oil works just as well as expensive creams. A few drops are enough—you don’t want your hands overly greasy.
• Use a mild salt or sugar scrub on the hands twice a week to slough off stubborn dead skin cells.
• Treat yourself to a hand spa and manicure at least twice a month. Not only is it rejuvenating, it will also make your hands, nails and cuticles look and feel healthier. Even if you are not a polish kind of girl, a manicure will make your hands look so much younger.
• Stop biting your nails! Not only is this unsightly, it weakens the nail causing it to split and break. While you are at it, stop picking on those cuticles as well!
• As soon as you see a hangnail or dangling cuticle, trim it. This will help avoid infection and unnecessary redness along the fingertips.
• Take Biotin. This vitamin is a miracle when it comes to nails and hair, making them stronger and shiny.
• For extremely dry hands, treat yourself to a paraffin hand treatment. Your hands will be the softest they’ve ever been.