By: Cat Juan Ledesma
Red nails are such a classic look that it wouldn’t hurt to try once or twice in your lifetime. It’s important to note that no two shades of red are exactly the same, and depending on your own skin tone, you should be cautious about what shade of red you decide to wear. Here are some tips towards finding the perfect shade for you, and how to wear it gorgeously.
1. Fair Skin Tones:
If you have the type of skin tone that easily burns in the sun and has a red undertone, we recommend looking for a nail color that has a bright red to it with a blue undertone. You can also try to look for shades with a berry hue – a little on the darker side or deep wine shades.
2. Medium Skin Tones:
Medium skin tones can stay away from the super bright blue undertone shades of polish. Instead, try going for shades that have a rusty orange or slight brick tone to bring out the warmth of your skin tone. Another option is to go for darker plum-like shades of red.
3. Dark Skin Tones:
Dark skin tones won’t look washed out with bright orange-based reds. If you want to go darker, go full on vamp mode with shades that resemble the much-loved purple-based shade ox-blood.
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