Your skin care routine doesn’t have to be complicated as long as it does its job well! Make this skin care brand by Liah Yoo, a Korean YouTube skin care guru, Krave Beauty your uncomplicated daily skin care routine!
If you are into ethical, fragrance and essential oil free skin care brands, this brand is definitely up your alley.
Krave Beauty’s got all you need in a skin care, core and supplemental products; Oat So Simple Water Cream, Kale-Lalu-yAHA, and the Great Barrier Relief!
P 2,300
With its Glycolic Acid ingredient, the most effective exfoliant in removing dead skin cells for a healthy, glowing, hydrated and youthful skin, you’ll need no other exfoliator to unclog your pores. Packed with vitamin-rich leafy greens like kale, spinach, and parsley to give your skin the much-needed energy boost.
P 2,300
This daily serum deserves the hype! You can substitute the Great Barrier Relief serum as your everyday moisturizer as it has the power to treat your problematic acne. Clearing and soothing as it contains niacinamide, the best ingredient for a radiant and even skin.
This Korean skin care brand deserves all the hype it could get for its innovative and effective, yet uncomplicated products to treat your skin.

Written by:
Erica Charisse Domingo
Erica is an avid coffee drinker slash digital content creator and has been in the field of content management for the past years. She enjoys mingling with friends, reading, watching films, and living the island girl life whenever she can.
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