I’m a certified perfume hoarder and celebrity perfumes, in particular, are a true guilty pleasure. To me, seeing those oh-so-pretty bottles nicely arranged on my shelf is one of the simple joys in my life. Besides, I love that extra touch of confidence and femininity I feel whenever I spritz on one of my favorite scents before heading out. But did you know that your perfume choice says a lot more about your personality than you think? There’s a good reason you gravitate towards certain perfumes, like ones that have floral or fruity notes, compared to say, your BFF who loves perfumes that are mostly woody or citrusy instead. Chances are you and your BFF don’t have the exact same personality either. See what I mean?
The good news is Soleil et Lune has created distinct fragrances that are sure to appeal to every individual and their unique personality. Take the quick quiz below to find out which Soleil et Lune perfume is your possible ‘scent soul mate’:
1. How do you prefer to spend your weekends?
A. Curled up in bed for the ultimate Netflix marathon.
B. Partying it up with your gal pals until the wee hours.
C. Engaging in physical activities or adventure-seeking thrills.
D. Creating much needed bonding moments with the family.
E. Playing around with different makeup looks to wear.
2. Describe your style.
A. Minimalistic. It’s all about the basics.
B. Chic and sleek. Head to toe in black all day, everyday.
C. Casual. Comfort is your top priority.
D. Sweet. It’s all about pretty prints and unique accessories.
E. Trendy. You dress to impress.
3. Which fictional TV or film character do you relate to most?
A. The shy bookworm Willow from “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”
B. The beautiful and brainy Olivia Pope from “Scandal”.
C. The determined and athletic Violet from “She’s The Man”.
D. The weird but loveable Jess from “New Girl”.
E. The fashion icon Carrie Bradshaw from “Sex and the City”.
4. Choose your dream travel destination.
A. London
B. New York
C. Sydney
D. Paris
E. Tokyo
5. If you could star in your own film, what genre would it be?
A. A period piece with amazing costumes and sets.
B. A spy thriller that features a fierce femme fatale.
C. An action flick. Explosions and chase scenes required!
D. A musical that gets your toes tapping even in the cinema.
E. A rom-com that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside.
If you chose mostly A’s, your signature scent is SIMONE… Most people would say you’re the quiet sort, and weekends are the chance for you to finally get that much-needed “me time.” While you love to socialize every now and then, you prefer your own company best and spend most nights either binging a good TV series or chilling to your favorite Spotify playlist.
If you chose mostly B’s, your signature scent is AUDREY… Your life motto is definitely, “Work hard, play hard.” You know how to set your priorities and get things done, but you also know when to kick back for some well-deserved downtime. You tend to strut your stuff with a confident air and are rarely be seen without a bold lipstick shade on, especially a vibrant red or sultry plum hue.
If you chose mostly C’s, your signature scent is GABRIELLE… You tend to face every single day head on. A true go-getter with an up-and-at-’em attitude, friends love to describe you as lively and energetic. In your free time, you’re always down to visit the nearest court or field to get your adrenaline pumping with a good round (or more) of your favorite sport.
If you chose mostly D’s, your signature scent is BRIGITTE… You’re a little bit quirky but also a romantic at heart, and nothing is sweeter than getting to spend time with your significant other or even with loved ones. To you, nothing beats winding down with a good book, especially ones with happy endings, and you enjoy expressing yourself through art, music, fashion, or all of the above.
If you chose mostly E’s, your signature scent is JULIETTE… You’re the true definition of ‘girly girl.‘ In fact, friends always come up to you to ask what lipstick or mascara you’d recommend, or to give them a head-to-toe makeover. You consider shopping a hobby and have no qualms about owning an entire closet full of shoes. The best part of your day usually consists of planning your outfit, but you also love just getting to see your besties for some good ol’ chika time.

Written By:
Ari Yupangco
Ari has been blogging since 2012 about all things beauty with a sprinkle of different topics here and there. She loves makeup just as much as she loves almost anything nerdy like video games and comic books, and is big on Japanese culture.
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