By: Yciar Castillo
Olive oil has been around from the times of the Egyptians and was used by ancient civilizations from skincare to medicinal purposes such as a topical antibacterial and as an ointment to prevent muscle fatigue and sports injuries.
Nowadays we find numerous cosmetic products in the market that use olive oil for its many skincare benefits but a bottle from your pantry can work wonders just the same. Here are some ways we can take advantage of its nourishing properties by using it from head to toe.
- Olive oil has been used a hair conditioner for centuries. Massage a few drops into your scalp then use a wide-tooth comb to evenly distribute from roots to tips. Leave for an hour then wash excess oil away with a gentle shampoo.
- Use it as a make up remover. Soak a cotton pad or you may pour a small amount into your palm and gently massage onto your face until all the make up has been dissolved. It is mild enough to use around the eye area and extremely effective in removing waterproof mascara.
- Olive oil’s chemical structure is closest to that of our skin’s natural oils. It is also rich in Vitamins A and E which helps plump and moisturize the skin. Add a few drops to your daily face cream or use as a hand and body moisturizer. Since Vitamin E fights free radicals and photo aging, olive oil can heal damaged skin and combat the signs of aging.
- If you’re concerned about pimples and acne, don’t worry! Olive oil penetrates the skin so it does not clog pores. This is the reason why it’s a great ingredient to use in making your homemade face scrub.
- Apply daily on hands and feet to soften skin and to help strengthen brittle and fragile nails.
- Soothe sunburn and relieve itch by applying the oil on your skin after heavy sun exposure. It also relieves skin irritations such as eczema.
- Avoid getting those nasty razor burns by coating your legs with olive oil using it as a lubricant for shaving.
There are countless of ways to use olive oil in your everyday make up regime. Keep a bottle on your bathroom shelf and see what a lifesaver it can be.
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