I have the finest hair on the planet. These are the kind of locks that will go limp and stringy if not washed daily. Experience has taught me that my hair is happiest when it’s given a break once or twice a week from my daily wash and blow-dry routine.
So on days that I want to give my hair a rest or I’m simply too busy to be bothered. This is what I do:
Dry Shampoo: Batiste Dry Shampoo is so useful for travel, after a quick workout at the gym, and when you simply need to add a little more body to your mane.
Start by spraying on a healthy, but not too generous, amount of Batiste Dry Shampoo to the top of your head, use your fingers to spread evenly till the ends of your hair. Leave it on for a few minutes and flip hair over, giving it a good brush over a sink. I recommend also using this time to massage a little bit of the powder onto your scalp.
Buns and Braids: I always have a ponytail and snap clips available in all my bags. The minute I see that my hair isn’t cooperating, I swoop my hair into a high pony or bun. There are tons of video tutorials online to help you find the perfect one. To remove pesky fly-aways or baby hair I spray a fine-tooth comb with my favorite hairspray and brush the fly aways down. A cheap toothbrush works just as well.
Silk or satin pillowcases: I’ve discovered that my hairstyle lasts longer after investing in silk or satin pillowcases. They prevent the strands from meshing together and my hair can actually survive for half day without a wash. These pillowcases can often be found at your favorite department store.
– See more at: http://www.calyxta.com/homepage-article/fresh-hair-today-fresh-hair-tomorrow#sthash.rBHgUav3.dpuf